FINANCIAL AFFORDIT.LZH 98304 02-15-93 AFFORD IT??? 3.0 Amortization system to calculate loan annuities, pay off amounts, savings annuities and depreciations, and has the capacity to track your current loans. It has two different methods of loan calculation and an on-screen "pocket" calculator. (ASP) AMORT.LZH 114688 02-15-93 AMORTIZATION TABLE 3.53E A loan amortization program that calculates the monthly or periodical payment then prints a schedule showing interest and principal for each period. Does regular, discounted, and interest-only schedules. This works Great. ASP AMORTISE.LZH 229376 02-15-93 AMORT 1.14 Used to calculate mortgage loan amortization schedules. It can calculate, display, list, and print payment coupons for five types of loan amortization schedules. Add information on sales agent, buyer, and property. Rqs, 512k, HD, DOS 3.1+. AMTAX.LZH 212992 02-15-93 AM-TAX 1992 This program will completely prepare and print a tax return consisting of the Form 1040 and any of the Schedules (A,B,C,D E,EIC,F, R,and SE). All Schedules can be printed on most printers in a format approved for filing by the IRS. AUTOLOAN.LZH 196608 02-15-93 AUTOLOAN 3.0 Four programs are on this disk. Autoloan Analysis 3.0 for auto loans. Dealership Anabasis 2.0 professional vehicle transaction and loan analysis. Loan Analysis 2.7 loan calculator and Depreciation 1.0 CAPGAIN2.LZH 360448 02-15-93 CAPITAL GAINZ 3.1F 2 of 2 Disks CAPGAINZ.LZH 622592 02-15-93 CAPITAL GAINZ 3.1F 1 of 2 Disks A financial management package oriented toward small investors, especially those using a 'dollar-cost averaging' strategy with stocks and mutual funds. Rqs, 640k, HD. NOTE: This program is distributed on 720k disk or larger. ASP CAPNEEDS.LZH 163840 02-15-93 CAPITAL NEEDS PLANNER 3.0 Capital Needs (Life Insurance) Financial Planner is designed to assist individuals in the planning of their financial situation if deceased. From First Financial Software. (Requires 256k). (ASP) CHART1.LZH 360448 02-15-93 PC CHART C1.A Designed to keep track of fast changing markets. Combines technical indicators with charting database and telecommunications capabilities. Combines all the investment tools you need into one package. Requires 512k, HD. ASP CHART2.LZH 344064 02-15-93 PC CHART C1.A Same as above (#639) but Requires 512k, EGA/VGA monitor. ASP CHECKBOK.LZH 131072 02-15-93 CHECKBOOK 4.0 An easy to use, yet powerful tool for keeping track of where your money goes. Every effort was made to make the program operate just like your manual checkbook, while giving you the ability to quickly see summaries of your income and expenses. CHECKSTR.LZH 245760 02-15-93 CHECKSTAR III 4.03S CheckStar III is a personal and small business financial management program whose main features include user oriented menus, check printing on any format check and many useful reports and account reconciliation. CHG.LZH 180224 02-15-93 MY LITTLE REALM 2.0 Gives non-technical PC owners the chance to use computers to easily maintain and balance their checking account, track charge card expenses, create a phone/address book, print labels, address envelopes. Rqs, 256k, HD. ASP CREDITRP.LZH 196608 02-15-93 SECRETS OF CREDIT REPAIR 1.0 Hypertext based program that provides a complete discussion and letter preparation tools for credit repair as provided by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. (Requires 512k). ECONFORC.LZH 65536 02-15-93 ECONOMETRIC FORCASTING Forecast S&P 500, T Bond and T Bill interest rates, and inflation. Once a month you enter 8 numbers and get statistically optimized forecasts for 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months in the future. Rqs, 256k. EDUPLAN.LZH 147456 02-15-93 EDUCATION FUNDING PLANNER 3.0 Education Funding Planner 3.0 is designed to assist individuals in the planning of their Education Funding requirements for children, grandchildren or other persons. (Requires 256k). (ASP) EED.LZH 245760 02-15-93 EEBOND 8.1 This will help you keep track of your U.S. series savings bonds as well as compute interest earned etc. Rqs, 640k, HD. FIN101.LZH 212992 02-15-93 FINANCE 101 2.1 An Aid To Making Intelligent Financial Decisions. More than a loan amortization package, FINANCE 101 is a comprehensive and friendly program. With over 70 selections, & 139 total calculations! Almost any financial "what-if" questions answered! Rqs, 512k. FINANA.LZH 131072 02-15-93 YOUR FINANCIAL ANALYST 2.50 Helps you plan for your retirement, calculate the value of your IRA, plan for your children's college expenses, and calculate the equity value of your home. Also does home loan payments, amortization tables, and more. FINANLYZ.LZH 147456 02-15-93 FINANCIAL ANALYZER 1.0 Enables the user to quickly calculate various Financial situations that may occur many times in the average life time. (Requires 512k). FINASST.LZH 131072 02-15-93 FINANCIAL ASSISTANT Quick, accurate, an easy calculations for stock options, bond prices and yeilds, annuities and perpetuities, 5 methods of depreciation and depletion, amortization, sinking-funds and installment savings accounts. FINFORE.LZH 49152 02-15-93 MSAV FINANCIAL FORECASTING Asks you a few simple questions about what you think things should cost, then compares this with a complex internal model to evaluate your responses and compares the results to a huge database. FINMANEZ.LZH 114688 02-15-93 FINANCIAL MANAGER 3.2 Financial Manager with EZ Budget is a personal and small business financial program with easy to use features. Maintain and balances checkbooks, records payments and deposits, generates reports, reconciles, prepare budgets, and more. FINPLAN.LZH 196608 02-15-93 THE FINANCIAL PLANNER Calcualtes loans, mortgages, amortization tables, installment savings accounts, various credit plans, lease/rent/buy analyses, annuities, perpetuities, IRA & 401(k) accounts. For long-range growth or retirement planning, and more. Rqs, 256k. HAMMERHD.LZH 163840 02-15-93 HAMMER HEAD A "Fair Value" options pricer. Designed to give the investor "Fair Value" prices on numerous options, the program is something that no option investor should be without. Many features make this an invaluable tool. HOMEBUY.LZH 147456 02-15-93 HOMEBUYING & REFINANCING 2.0 More than just a loan amortization program. Its comprehensive financial analysis of buying or refinancing a home, or prepaying an existing mortgage can help homebuyers & home owners save $$$. Great for the Real Estate Agents! Rqs, 256k. ASP INCOME.LZH 147456 02-15-93 INCOME PROTECT PLANNER 3.0 Income Protection (Disability) Planner is designed to assist individuals in the planning for Income Protection if disabled. From First Financial Software.(Requires 256k). (ASP) INTREST.LZH 98304 02-15-93 INTEREST CHECKER 1.11 Designed for banks who are often called on to prove up the interest figures computed by their computers, they are notoriously inaccurate. Surprisingly, individuals are much more interested in this program than the banks. LOANETC.LZH 147456 02-15-93 LOAN ETC. Several programs together. Investments, depreciation, loans, mortgages. Many, many tools for the Financially oriented. Well written. LOANMST.LZH 294912 02-15-93 LOAN MASTER 1.25 A complete Loan Processing System! This system does exactly the same thing as the Bank's or the S&L's loan processing system. (Requires 2 disk drives or a Hard drive). MARKETPL.LZH 327680 02-15-93 MARKETPLUS 2.1 A full featured stock/mutual fund tracking package with strong graphics capabilities. It is written especially for the individual investor. Rqs, 512k, Color monitor. MARKETSR.LZH 212992 02-15-93 MARKET SEARCH 3.2 This will give you instant access to the "investor's perspective" of the stock market. The data base includes 12 years of financial history on more than 2000 New York Stock Companies. Get the big picture on an industry group or single company. MLQ28.LZH 65536 02-15-93 MORTGAGE LOAN CALCULATOR V2.8 Comprehensive mortgage calculator. Covers most every requirement for obtaining mortgages from the FHA, VA & conventional loan institutions. Calculates loan stats & determines eligibility, provides pro/con info on various loan types. Much More! MONEYMAK.LZH 196608 02-15-93 MONEY MAKER 2.3 "How to make money with your PC". Your day job provides the security, moonlighting on your PC provides the excitement and a chance to MAKE IT! MoneyMaker helps you evaluate over 10 real PC business possibilities. MOONLGHT.LZH 147456 02-15-93 MOONLIGHTER NEWSLETTER V1/N1 A disk-based publication for the INFORMATION ENTREPRENEUR. This publication is designed to help the subscriber to create and build a home- based business with Information as the major product. MRTGCAL.LZH 65536 02-15-93 MORTGAGE CALCULATOR Full featured program. Calculates compound/simple interest, present/future values, annuities, variable interest rates, odd payment amt's, balloon payments, and leases. Has context sensitive help and displays alternative calculations on screen. PCLOAN5.LZH 245760 02-15-93 PCLOAN5 PCLOAN5 is a very competent amortization schedule. It handles the new 26 payment schedules as well as rule of 78ths amortization and rebate schedules. It reports FYE interest and principle paid. Top Rated! PERFIN1.LZH 163840 02-15-93 PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNER 3.0 1 of 2 Disks Personal Financial Planner 3.0 is designed to assist individuals in their own total financial situation analysis. Subject areas include: Budget Information, Balance Sheet, Economic Assumptions, Education Funding, PERFIN2.LZH 147456 02-15-93 PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNER 2 of 2 Disks Retirement Needs, Capital Needs, Income Protection, Impact of Taxes & Inflation, Personal Data, Insurance Information Form, and Planning Checklist. From First Financial Software. A 2 disk set. (ASP). PFROI.LZH 360448 02-15-93 PFROI 3.8D Measure portfolio performance to set and meet long range investment goals. Calculates factors such as non-uniform security growth rates,taxes, periodic additions, and withdrawal of funds. Handles all portfolio transactions and most investment types. More! REALANAL.LZH 196608 02-15-93 REAL EASY PROPERTY ANALYSIS 3. A 150k Lotus 123 or compatible spreadsheet template program. A comprehensive 20 year analysis of either single dwelling or multiple unit investment property according to user data input. Rqs, 640k, CGA, HD. RETIRENT.LZH 147456 02-15-93 RETIREMENT & NETWORTH Retirement is 3 programs to assist you in achieving your financial goals. Contains programs for annuity, saving analysis, and discounted cash flow. Networth calculates and prints a net worth statement. RETIREPL.LZH 163840 02-15-93 RETIREMENT PLANNER 3.0 Retirement Planner is designed to help you reach your retirement goal. With this program you can monitor your progress as often as you like. From First Financial Software. (Requires 256k). (ASP) SAVECOLL.LZH 131072 02-15-93 SAVE FOR COLLEGE 1.0 Enables the user to determine an affirmative Plan Of Action, that will establish a systematic savings program for specific financial College needs. Rqs, 256k. SECUREAN.LZH 163840 02-15-93 SECURITY ANALYST 3.10 Performs basic fundamental analysis for stocks. Enter info from your corporate annual reports. The program then calculates 33 ratios based on supplied data which are used for analysis. This program was written for value oriented and long term investors. SHTAX92.LZH 262144 02-15-93 SHARE TAX-92 An easy to use tax preparation for the 1040 form, Schedules A, B, and C, W-2 Worksheet and Supplemental Schedule. Using the data you enter, Share-Tax does all computations and prints out a complete tax return. SOLVEIT1.LZH 229376 02-15-93 SOLVEIT! 4.2S 1 of 2 Disks Comprehensive, easy to use, memory resident financial calculator. Many, many features, future value of a deposit/series, monthly payments, loan/mortgage schedule, balloon/accelerated payments, funds withdrawal, depreciation, much more! .... SOLVEIT2.LZH 327680 02-15-93 SOLVEIT! 4.2S 2 of 2 Disks .... 30 different routines for doing financial calculations. For bisinesses, investors and home users. Rqs, 512k, HD. ASP STCKCHT1.LZH 81920 02-15-93 STOCK CHARTING SYSTEM 2.54 1 of 2 Disks You can print or display graphically high-low- close charts for any stocks, bonds commodities etc. Short and long term moving averages can be included on the charts. A 2 disk set. (Requires CGA, 256k). STCKCHT2.LZH 131072 02-15-93 STOCK CHARTING SYSTEM 2.54 2 of 2 Disks STOCHILO.LZH 131072 02-15-93 STOCK HIGH-LOW 2.0 A 52 week stock price database program that evaluates and projects price swings for NYSE stocks. Contains nine years of quarterly data for over 120 stocks. More are available from the author in a quarterly format. Rqs, 340k, EGA/VGA, mouse, DOS 3.0+. STOCKPRT.LZH 114688 02-15-93 STOCK PORTFOLIO 3.2 Stores, manipulates, and prints records needed to manage a portfolio of racks the purchase and sale of stocks. It can record multiple buy and sell ransactions, register stock splits, track cash dividends, and account for hanges in basis. TAX92.LZH 360448 02-15-93 TAX91 Allows tax preparers and individuals to prepare Federal Form 1040 U.S. Individual Tax Returns including supporting schedules and forms. Over 29 IRS approved forms and worksheets printable on any printer. Rqs., 512k, HD. ASP TREEBASE.LZH 327680 02-15-93 TREEBASE A cross between a checkbook program and a spreadsheet, with a twist. It has a unique tree structuring feature. Computer Shopper calls it a very powerful and flexable program. Rqs, DOS 2.1+, 512k. WSBL.LZH 245760 02-15-93 WALL STREET 5.75 User friendly, menu driven portfolio management. Easily store & maintain securities data. Supplies holdings increase/decrease & current value, annualized rate of return, commissions paid, etc. Data can be viewed in chart or graph form. YLDBOOK.LZH 32768 02-15-93 YIELDBOOK 1.2 A compact, easy to use program that computes prices and yields for bonds both to maturity and to call according to security industry standards. Calculates either municipal or corporate bond mode of 30/360 days of the government bond mode. ASP ZCALC.LZH 98304 02-15-93 ZCALC 1.06 This is a Regulation Z consumer installment loan calculator. It calculates precomputed consumer loans and prints a report from which a disclosure statement can be prepared. ZILCH.LZH 131072 02-15-93 ZILCH 1.14 Get out of debt Fast! Enter information about your debts and ZILCH does the rest. Money from paid-off accounts is automatically applied to remaining debts based on the payoff strategy you select. A payment schedule forecasts when debt will be paid off. ZILCH.LZH 131072 02-15-93 ZILCH 1.14 Get out of debt Fast! Enter information about your debts and ZILCH does the rest. Money from paid-off accounts is automatically applied to remaining debts based on the payoff strategy you select. A payment schedule forecasts when debt will be paid off.